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183 - Bradley & Betsy Bears
183 - Bradley & Betsy Bears
Pattern is for a 17" bear couple. The pattern has not been cut
Price: $4.50

184 - The Seamstress
184 - The Seamstress
Pattern is for a 24" approx. peddler doll. The pattern has not been cut.
Price: $2.00

185 - Harvey the Scarecrow
185 - Harvey the Scarecrow
Pattern is for an 11" x 14" stitched scarecrow picture. The pattern has not been cut.
Price: $2.00

186 - Sweet Wishes
186 - Sweet Wishes
Pattern is for an 18" any time angel. The pattern has not been cut.
Price: $4.50

187 - Holiday Folks
187 - Holiday Folks
Pattern is for a 10" angel, tree and snowman ornaments. The pattern has not been cut.
Price: $4.50

188 - Teddy on Rocking Horse Kit
188 - Teddy on Rocking Horse Kit
Pattern is for a 5" x 5-1/2" cross stitch picture. This is a kit that includes the cross stitch fabric and floss.
Price: $4.50

189 - Gardener Bunny
189 - Gardener Bunny
Pattern is for a 17" bunny. The pattern has not been cut.
Price: $4.50

190 - Quilter applique Sweatshirt
190 - Quilter applique Sweatshirt
Pattern is for a neat appliqued sweatshirt. The pattern has not been cut.
Price: $2.00

191 - Bunnykins
191 - Bunnykins
Pattern is for a bunny, the size is not given. It has not been cut.
Price: $4.50

192 - Flake The Snowman *CL
192 - Flake The Snowman *CL
Pattern is for a 13" snowman. The pattern has not been cut.
Price: $4.50

193 - Clairabelle Snowman
193 - Clairabelle Snowman
Pattern is for a 14" snow lady. It has not been cut.
Price: $4.50

194 - Guardian Angel
194 - Guardian Angel
Pattern is for a 14" angel. The pattern has not been cut.
Price: $4.50

196 - Blizzard Bunch Snowman
196 - Blizzard Bunch Snowman
Pattern is for a 13" snowman and his little ones. The pattern has not been cut.
Price: $4.50

198 - Miss Cheri Buttons
198 - Miss Cheri Buttons
Pattern is for a country doll the size is not given. The pattern has not been cut.
Price: $4.50

199 - Saint Twinkles
199 - Saint Twinkles
Pattern is for a 22" Santa. The pattern has not been cut.
Price: $4.50

201 - Greratful Heart
201 - Greratful Heart
Pattern is for a 7" by 6" stitchery pattern. It has not been cut.
Price: $4.50

202 - Bashful Buck-CUT *CL
202 - Bashful Buck-CUT *CL
Pattern is for a 12" bear. The pattern pieces have been cut out.
Price: $2.50

2020 - Pennies From Heaven Jar
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2020 - Pennies From Heaven Jar
Our Pennies From Heaven memorial jar is so neat! Did you ever find a penny just laying on ground? Did you know Angels toss them down to get rid of your frown... Our quart memorial jar includes a neat poem and a 2" square frame that you can insert your own picture. Makes a wonderful memorial gift. We can print and insert the picture for you if you don't have a color printer but you will need to email us the picture within 24 hours of placing the order. Just make a note in the comment section that you will be emailing it. Click on the arrow below the image to see a bigger image.
Price: $14.95

205 - Callie Christmas Angel
205 - Callie Christmas Angel
Pattern is for a 6" approx angel. It has not been cut.
Price: $4.50

206 - Birthday Wishes *CL
206 - Birthday Wishes *CL
Pattern is for the clothes for a 16" porcelain doll The pattern has not been cut.
Price: $2.50

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